May 19, 2010

How It All Began

I'd like to share with you my decision to accept the latest TRUTH. I was born and raised in a Baptist Church but that didn't save me from backsliding and giving the world my best shot. You know, jumping over the fence to see what made the neighbor's grass so green. Well, while in the neighbor's yard, I stumbled upon a rock called "rock music". Wow, the devil really knows how to attract you doesn’t he? I was swooned to say the least, not because of the lyrics alone, but also because of the rhythms, beats, pitches, dynamics and melodies. What took me to another level of consciousness was how the music romanced my psyche. Once the eyes were closed, a new dimension arose within me that would have me feel as if I were floating on air. I would leave my conscious and be taken to another realm. At the time, I had no control over how rock music made me feel. I couldn’t stop listening to it! This brings to mind Eve’s defeat from temptation in the Garden. I’ll digress by including a little joke: What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? His answer: “Your mother ate us out of house and home.”

That being said, the temptation of Eve in and of itself, contributed to the fall of man. (Let me make something clear, this is a blog so therefore I may write an interpretation that you may feel is incorrect or out-of-sync with your beliefs. If so, I welcome your comments but don’t ridicule ok?...thanks). Satan knows exactly what he’s doing which is why music is his weapon of choice. His influence is so conniving. The unsettling truth is that you can’t escape the melancholy (downside) or the gaiety (upside) that music implores within your soul and this is why it’s of utter importance to exercise caution when inviting music’s influence into your mind.

After receiving the phone call from my best friend, I did a Google search for “Jay Z Lady Gaga Illuminati” and a whirlwind of web pages surfaced on my screen. I’d like to say that intuition drew me to Vigilant Citizen, but that would take credit away from the Comforter (read your bible if you don’t know who I’m referring to). Having a biblical background, I was fully aware of the “powers that be”: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12 In my ignorance, I believed that these forces were only evidenced via the way people behaved and in a sense they are, but it’s far deeper that this my friends. We don’t merely wrestle with the body of the individual that is out to harm/deceive us, but we wrestle with that which is WITHIN them! These forces have taken up residence in their spirits. They are puppets being controlled by the greatest deceiver mankind has ever known…..

I would like to refer you to the Vigilant article that changed my life: The name of this article is “Jay-Z’s “Run This Town” and the Occult Connections”. The article exposed me to Aleister Crowley, the occultist (satanist) that reformed the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) which is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry. Throughout the article, I gained insight into the secret Freemason order, who some of these members were and what their practices/beliefs consisted of. Anyway, Rihanna is also mentioned in this article. That’s right…

It would probably take some coaching for some to accept the claims made on VC’s website, but for me it was instant. Because satan was the Minister of Music in Heaven and I believe EVERYTHING that the Bible says, I was convinced based on these facts. You see, satan wouldn’t be satan if he didn’t put wool over your eyes. He masks the deception with cognitive dissonance so that one will question the sensibility behind exposing his outlets of music and media. Why music and media? Because people have made these avenues a necessity. They have to have it. What better way to suck them in than through what gets their time and attention? These avenues; movies, radio, books, computers, and video games ALL have their contribution to his game plan.

Please, take the time to read some of the articles on this blog page and at the very least, investigate for yourself!

In love,


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