May 26, 2010

Untamed Idiosyncracies

I have been inclined to share some of the idiosyncrasies that have plagued my life for the past several years. Those being: depression, confusion, absence of self-acceptance and addiction to medications. Yes, I have been extremely sinuous (full of turns) as a result, but thanks be to God, I’m delivered and set free!

For years I wondered why I always felt different, why nobody liked me, why everything I touched foiled. I wanted to be like her, look like her and live like her. I was never happy with the life that I’d been given to live. I complained, compared, condemned and was coerced by none other than myself, to be who I really wasn’t. Putting up a front seemed commonplace for it was my only way of covering up the shame I felt inside. Upon years of endurance and reflection, I discovered that these were products of me not loving myself. When an individual doesn’t know HOW to love themselves, it is utterly impossible for them to love others. This in turn portentously warrants the assumption that people don’t love them. It’s called the “boomerang effect”.

Even today, at 40 years old, I still wrestle with anomalies and more often than not sink into the hole of depression. However, I now have a weapon called “freedom in Christ” which allows me to seek comfort and reassurance from the only person who can give me the strength to soar as an eagle! Many times though, the devil insidiously (as is his nature) attempts to plant those old lies in my head. This is his job of course, as he is the “father of lies”. He wants you to be enveloped in trepidation and fear for this is his weapon of choice. Besides "satan" and "the devil", he’s also known as: The Deceiver, The Liar, The Accuser, The Adversary, Ruler of Darkness and The Son of Perdition.

My aim is not to give a bible lesson, but these names were given to him by none other than God himself to show us the deception. If you’ve been reading my comments on Public Vigil and LVB-Research, you’ll see that my favorite scripture is Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. This is my reminder that satan does, in fact, have power. However, verses 13-20 also remind me that I have weapons of warfare that are readily available to use against these powers of darkness. I knew this several years ago at the onset of the depression, but I didn’t turn to my bible (the biggest mistake of my life). Instead, I turned to psychiatrists and psychologists.

~Inserted to show uncanny resemblance~

Here’s where it gets tricky and this is merely my opinion, but the likelihood that you find a psychiatrist that sincerely wants to help you is slim to none. My experience over the past several years has proven to me that they are only in it for the money. Psychologists on the other hand (also known as therapists or counselors) DO NOT have the capacity to prescribe medications. However, they still follow the widely debunked theories of Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin, both of whom were Grand Master Freemasons (that’s a whole story by itself). My friend LVB, will be doing an article on “PHARMAKEIA” (which is the Greek word for sorceress or witch) and its’ deceptiveness masked as being pharmaceutical drugs that HELP people when in actuality, they harm people. I’m not sure if LVB will hint this, but the term pharmakeia is the name for the Greek sorceress, Goddess of Transformation: Kirke. (The picture above thoroughly depicts the association between the occult and pharmaceuticals) Plus, the bible avidly warns against such practices of sorceries and witchcrafts as devoted practiced by the occult. (Go to any online bible site and put the word “sorcery” in the search engine to find confirmed scripture)

Kirke: Greek Sorceress/Goddess of Transformation

The following definitions are from Strong’s Concordance…..

Respectively, the root meaning for the plural Greek word pharmakeus (sorceries) as found in Revelation 9:21 (KJV), is ‘giver of potions’ while the singular term pharmakeia (sorcery) as found in Acts 13:6-8, means ‘druggist’ or ‘poisoner’.

Now, you may ask: “So, what you're saying is I shouldn’t go to the doctor and get prescriptions”? No, I am not saying that. People visit medical practitioners in order to have an illness diagnosed, to be treated for sickness, or to gain relief from illness. So accordingly, Jeremiah refers to the balm of Gilead which was evidently deemed to have medicinal qualities (Jeremiah 8:22; 46:11) which is obviously a good thing. However, balm and pharmakeia are two different things entirely! The pharmakeia mentioned in the bible are drugs that stimulate/encourage hallucinations and visions. I want to clarify that it was long part of pagan religious practice to administer potions, or drugs, which would encourage hallucinations. There is, of course, a direct parallel here to modern illicit drug taking AND prescribing, though these original 'pharmacists' were involved in the black arts and in demonology. I don’t know about you, but I also see a direct correlation between the pharmakeia of old and the one of today which purports my claim that this is exactly what SSRIs, SNRIs and MAOIs are, as prescribed by psychiatrists (oh, and some general practitioners too).

Needless to say, I’ve taken every last one of the following: Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, Buspar, Remeron and Effexor. All in an attempt to “make it all better” and “to make the demons go away”. But hear me say this, I WAS NOT CRAZY! This was the devil’s lying and deceit of which I LET him infringe upon me. He masterminded MY mind.

I suppose I should add that the illicit drugs’ direct parallel would pertain to certain pain medications as well for they definitely stimulate hallucinations. Oxycontin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol and codeine, just to name a few, have made me feel as I if I could walk up the side of the building! Yes, I’ve taken these too. I was pretty much a junkie…willing to take any medication that would “take me away” from ME! How silly is that? I’m stuck with me! This just goes to show how stupefied the devil made me think I was..well, I can’t fault him for that. That was my stupidity. All the same, when one medicine made me sick, I took another to make that sickness go away, then a different medicine to make the sickness go away from the last medicine. Catch my drift?

Then one day, I began to pray. You see, when the devil feels he’s got you where he wants you, he pretty much leaves you alone. It’s when you reach out to THE COUNSELOR, Jesus “MyHope” Christ, that satan throws swords at you! I tell you no lie, when I finally decided to lean solely on Christ for my sustenance, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I was so accustomed to depending on these medications to get me through my days (and to knock me out at night), that I didn’t know how to live without them! Talk about grieving.... I cried for days on end because I knew I couldn’t go back to my friends. They were all I knew. Have you ever had a dream of your family member whom you love with all your heart, getting killed right before you could save them? Knowing that you’ll never see them again? (I pray you haven’t actually been through this) Well, that’s what it felt like not having my stash of downers, uppers, and stabilizers. Yep, I had a pill for everything!

Anybody can become addicted. No one is immune sweetheart. Anyway, today is a new day! I have been without stimulators/stimulants for ten months and I’m doing great! God is the only reason I’m able to sit here today and type this without fear of ridicule, judgment or dislike. You don’t have to like Valencia in order for her to be happy. (is talking in the third-person a form of disassociation? I gotta research this…) I can proudly say that I don’t need your approval. Obtaining the approval of God is my only desire at this point in my life. My reason for sharing this information: It’s my testimony to God’s awesome power and ability to deliver from ANY situation. Whatever your addiction, you can be delivered only if you give it over to the One who is able to keep us from falling. Jude 1:24

In love,



  1. Bravo, Lenci!

    I am so proud of you, and inspired by what you have written here. It is a wonderful thing that you confronted your demons, and WON! I know exactly what you are saying, and have seen drugs of all kinds, alcohol included, ruin the lives of far too many people I care about.

    And, you are right about SSRI/SNRI drugs. They are vastly overprescribed, not only by psychiatrists, but also quite commonly by general family practice doctors, for conditions they are not qualified to even diagnose, much less treat. Doctors have been given social acceptance and free reign to dispense powerful, brain chemistry altering SSRI drugs to people with very minor symptoms and conditions, and they do so with impunity, and are promoted with incentives by the drug manufacturers to do so.

    I recommend that you and anyone else who is interested in this take a look at this very troubling database of violent crimes, murders, suicides and psych hospital admissions that are all directly related to using or discontinuing SSRI drugs. It will blow your mind, literally.

    Part of the problem here, which I have seen personally, is that when these crimes occur, law enforcement are not often allowed to divulge that SSRI drugs were in the system of the person committing the crimes - due to the HIPAA "medical privacy" laws, which were instituted under the Clinton administration.

    There are, of course, good aspects to these laws, everyone wants and deserves their privacy, right? But, when mass murders and other horrific crimes occur, I personally feel that the people who commit such crimes lose any right to privacy at that point.

    Indeed, it is not the individual citizens, or even the criminals, that these laws were designed to protect - it was, and is, the drug companies and their reputations that are being protected by these privacy laws.
    What a perfect system for them, huh? Sure,
    people will hear a few things in the media related to SSRI "freakouts" and murders - such as Columbine (Luvox), etc. - but when
    you take a look at the above database, you will be shocked to see the overwhelming number of incidents that are involved, which most of us have never heard about or had any idea they were occurring in huge numbers.

    Obviously, there would be a massive public outcry about this if people really knew the full extent of the situation, but they don't, and may not ever know, because the unholy alliance between the pharma corps, the media and the fedgovt (FDA and others) keep a pretty tight lid on these kinds of events, in order to ensure that the big profits keep rolling in - regardless of who dies or suffers permanent disabilities because of these SSRI drugs.

    That's all for now - great post, thank you for sharing it with me and may God bless you, in every way possible. :)

  2. I have to tell you that your writing is incredibly inspiring, and not to mention well "spoken." It makes me want to stop, review, and assess some of the things that I take for granted. It's amazing how freely your spirit flows in your blogs, and every topic that is touched upon is extremely true and should hit a vulnerable spot with all readers. Bravo, Valencia for your words of wisdom and truth.

    Your inspiration provides me with strength...strength to continue being honest and striving to make a change or at least an influence upon others. (I'm so impressed that I don't know what to do...actually I do...start blogging again.) I forgot how much I missed blogging until I read several of your posts.

    I'm so proud of your accomplishment that helped you control your life, and not let life control you. I think it's important that we all remember that.

    I will try to be on here as much as possible to provide you with feedback. We need more people in the world like you to relinguish the truth...after all, it is the truth that will set you free. Live on, free spirited Valencia!!!

  3. It is genuinely heartfelt when I respond by saying you both have no idea how flattered I am to receive your encouragement! That little demon called "fear" withheld me from showing who I really am because I didn’t want anyone to dislike me. I’m still growing though and embrace the regeneration of my spirit…the “free” spirit. God bless you both!

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hi Lenci (I saw your comment on my blog and want to say thanks)

    But WOW your writing is so descriptive and I am amazed at your courage and finding God.

    I also really like what you've written about the 'poisons'. Here in Cyprus we are Greek speaking mostly, and we call the Pharmacy/Chemist 'Pharmakion' STILL! That is the word and I never knew what it really meant!

    P.S. I ALSO really like the movie 'Constantine' I think it really demonstrates well the ideas of Heaven and Hell even if it is only fiction (and Keanu is magnificent in it)!


  5. Hi Lenci, Did you change the picture on the top right-hand side of your blog?

  6. Hi Lenci!

    Long time girl...where u been???

    I hope all is well with u.

    God bless you. :)


Be nice and thank you for your comment! ;-)