(This article was originally written over at my Wordpress blog on September 15, 2010. The pain we feel is still evident but we know she's with the Father now....)
Last weekend, F (Lisa) M went home to be with our Lord and Savior. It was so unexpected, unwarranted, unexplainable and misunderstood. How could God take someone away from their husband, children, mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends so suddenly? Leaving us all in utter shock? Here’s the answer to that question…..it’s not for us to know!
To be painfully frank, God doesn’t have to give justifiable cause or send a sign as to why she died without our being prepared because well, He’s God! God even told us in Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord”. This being the case, what other choice do we have than to completely and unequivocally trust Him? We must do so as He will give us peace when we lack understanding.
Proverbs 3:5 states it best: “TRUST in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”. Then, Philippians 4:7 says: “And the PEACE of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.
Because we have no way of knowing what death “feels” like, we often fear it. None of us know what’s on the other side, thus fear of the unknown is expected. Children of God, we cannot be with Him until we die so therefore, death is necessary. Have you ever heard that "to live is to die and to die is to live"? Well, let that marinate for a minute and realize that there’s innumerable truth in this statement.
Death is only fearful to those who DO NOT TRUST GOD! God already knew that death would not be perceived as pleasant but would seem intolerable and dreaded to those of us left behind. This is why we have His Word (Jesus Christ) to comfort us in these difficult times. Just as King David knew and expressed in his Psalms, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they COMFORT me”, may we also know this trust in and dependence upon our Father!
I’m blogging this today because I’d like to reassure you that death is not the end, but is the beginning (for those of us who are in Christ Jesus) of an everlasting life of happiness. He has prepared a place for us dear ones. But know this, God will not force us to accept His Son as our Savior. Consequently, failure to do so will reap its’ reward, that’s for sure.
Now with that said, it is not my place to say who will make it to heaven and who won’t. Only YOU, through the free will that God has given you, can choose where your final resting place will be. Heaven or hell is YOUR choice to make. I am thoroughly convinced however, that Lisa made the right choice. Family and friends, we will see her again if we too make the unquestionable choice to love and believe in Jesus Christ.
Let us take the oath today to have a relationship with Him and gain the peace He promises to give. It is undeniable that if we’re granted a long life of abundance, we will surely attest to the deaths of more loved ones and friends. But, we can stand steadfast in His grace & mercy with assurance of our salvation and heaven bound destination!
"The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge". Proverbs 18:15
November 08, 2010
The Pride Deception, Part 2
Baba, a friend that I would love to know personally, helped me to see that I’m the dirtiest, filthiest hypocrite and a sorry excuse for someone who claims to be a child of God. No, Baba did not say these words to me, but what he did was reveal (through his own testimony) the importance of making ourselves little so that God can be made great!
You see, pride does this to you: It makes you feel like YOU know it all, YOU’re never wrong, what YOU need matters most, and that it’s YOUr way or no way. I’m guilty loved ones. Guilty as charged. Until we can admit to our own shortcomings, we will never overcome them! How can you blow out a candle if you don’t light it? The truth can not be revealed without a fallacy. In other words, you need a lie before you can have a truth! The truth is that God despises a prideful and haughty heart. Giving in to pride deceives you into believing that you are your own god and the Lord Almighty specifically stated that: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” I’m sure many of you don’t know this but……..you’ve made yourself into a mini-god when you allowed pride to manifest itself within your heart. Also, here’s a revelation for you: pride is the foundation of all sin!
God’s main desire for His people is that we love one another and share the good news. Because we are likened unto Him and created in His image, we must abide by His rules whether we like it or not. If God IS love, why would He expect any less from His creation? Pride instills an “I can do whatever I want” façade within the heart of man which leads to his disobedience and insubordination to God. This in turn separates man from God then, he finds himself left at his own defenses to battle the wiles of Satan without God’s help. This is a place you don’t want to be my friend.
Here’s a recent prayer that I gave unto my Father…..
Lord God,
I want to know your way because my way is the total opposite and this is not of you! Lord, forgive me of my indiscretions lest I be given unto the wiles of satan. Lord, forbid me to question your will and desire for my soul. I’m so inflicted with confusion, resistance and insubordination! Have mercy on me oh Lord! I’m sorry for wanting more from you than you desire to offer. Forgive me for not accepting the terms that you’ve set forth, for you are the Grand Master of my soul. I want to love everything about you dear Jesus, even the things that don't make sense to me right now; to be obedient, no longer thinking as the world thinks. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Feel free to petition the Lord our God (using the prayer above or your own) to enter into your heart and reveal your indiscretions. Once the Spirit has spoken unto you regarding this, seek forgiveness and always ask God to have mercy because we are not perfect.)
I’ve always considered myself to be King David’s long-lost twin sister because we’re almost exactly alike. Though I may not possess the bravery he had, my name does mean “strong” so I suppose I'm not too far-fetched. David was prideful as well, but he earnestly cried unto God and was forgiven. You too have the gift of forgiveness. Please do not let “YOU” get in your way!
King David also knew that he had some serious issues when it came to matters of the heart. He killed a man because he wanted his wife (envy = pride). He committed adultery with this man’s wife (lust = pride). Whenever the Holy Spirit revealed these monstrosities, David immediately went down on his knees to seek the Lord's forgiveness. No wonder he was a man after God’s own heart…HE DIDN’T LET HIS PRIDE STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!!!
Pride grows into anger, frustration, self-pity and regret because these are reactions to an injustice done towards you. God already knew that loving unconditionally (requires humbleness) would keep these manifestations out of your heart. Now you tell me, is it better to love or is it better to hurt? You make the call.
You see, pride does this to you: It makes you feel like YOU know it all, YOU’re never wrong, what YOU need matters most, and that it’s YOUr way or no way. I’m guilty loved ones. Guilty as charged. Until we can admit to our own shortcomings, we will never overcome them! How can you blow out a candle if you don’t light it? The truth can not be revealed without a fallacy. In other words, you need a lie before you can have a truth! The truth is that God despises a prideful and haughty heart. Giving in to pride deceives you into believing that you are your own god and the Lord Almighty specifically stated that: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” I’m sure many of you don’t know this but……..you’ve made yourself into a mini-god when you allowed pride to manifest itself within your heart. Also, here’s a revelation for you: pride is the foundation of all sin!
God’s main desire for His people is that we love one another and share the good news. Because we are likened unto Him and created in His image, we must abide by His rules whether we like it or not. If God IS love, why would He expect any less from His creation? Pride instills an “I can do whatever I want” façade within the heart of man which leads to his disobedience and insubordination to God. This in turn separates man from God then, he finds himself left at his own defenses to battle the wiles of Satan without God’s help. This is a place you don’t want to be my friend.
Here’s a recent prayer that I gave unto my Father…..
Lord God,
I want to know your way because my way is the total opposite and this is not of you! Lord, forgive me of my indiscretions lest I be given unto the wiles of satan. Lord, forbid me to question your will and desire for my soul. I’m so inflicted with confusion, resistance and insubordination! Have mercy on me oh Lord! I’m sorry for wanting more from you than you desire to offer. Forgive me for not accepting the terms that you’ve set forth, for you are the Grand Master of my soul. I want to love everything about you dear Jesus, even the things that don't make sense to me right now; to be obedient, no longer thinking as the world thinks. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Feel free to petition the Lord our God (using the prayer above or your own) to enter into your heart and reveal your indiscretions. Once the Spirit has spoken unto you regarding this, seek forgiveness and always ask God to have mercy because we are not perfect.)
I’ve always considered myself to be King David’s long-lost twin sister because we’re almost exactly alike. Though I may not possess the bravery he had, my name does mean “strong” so I suppose I'm not too far-fetched. David was prideful as well, but he earnestly cried unto God and was forgiven. You too have the gift of forgiveness. Please do not let “YOU” get in your way!
King David also knew that he had some serious issues when it came to matters of the heart. He killed a man because he wanted his wife (envy = pride). He committed adultery with this man’s wife (lust = pride). Whenever the Holy Spirit revealed these monstrosities, David immediately went down on his knees to seek the Lord's forgiveness. No wonder he was a man after God’s own heart…HE DIDN’T LET HIS PRIDE STAND IN THE WAY OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD!!!
Pride grows into anger, frustration, self-pity and regret because these are reactions to an injustice done towards you. God already knew that loving unconditionally (requires humbleness) would keep these manifestations out of your heart. Now you tell me, is it better to love or is it better to hurt? You make the call.
The Pride Deception, Part 1
I’m not too particularly thrilled to admit that I’m prideful. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even aware that I was! Not until this past Sunday that is…..
We had a guest pastor at church on Sunday that spoke of our friend and foe, those being “humility” and “pride”, respectively. God forbid that I should quote his sermon verbatim, but I will attempt to translate it my own way. It doesn’t take a bible scholar to know that being humble is God’s way and prideful is satan’s way. However, upon hearing the sermon, I began to realize just how guilty I was of fostering pride within my own heart.
{For this post, I simply want to introduce what pride is and later, I will share with you how pride is destructive.}
You see, when you become bitter, angry, resentful, and disgusted, it is because pride has manifested. Offense is the prerequisite to an ungodly action or reaction. When you’re offended, naturally you say within yourself; “You’ve hurt me so now I’m going to hurt you back!” Pride is evidenced in many variations that are disguised as vindication, and supports the infamous folklore: An eye for an eye. However, unbeknownst to many, God hates pride because it is considered evil and a sin as spoken of by David in Psalm 8:13; “All who fear the LORD will hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted speech.” David includes pride as being one of those evil things.
Here’s why pride is evil:
It causes us to turn away from God when we’re supposed to turn to Him
It leads to disobedience and rebellion
It causes us to mistreat other people
It defiles us! (Mark 7: 20-23)
Manifestations of pride:
Can’t admit when wrong
Disrespect of and no submission to authority
Criticism and looking down on others
Too busy or too lazy to help others
The list goes on and on. Even if you possess only one of the aforementioned characteristics, you are still deemed prideful. Stay tuned because I’m going to share with you how to recognize pride, how it affects your Christian walk, and why God doesn’t think it’s cool.
We had a guest pastor at church on Sunday that spoke of our friend and foe, those being “humility” and “pride”, respectively. God forbid that I should quote his sermon verbatim, but I will attempt to translate it my own way. It doesn’t take a bible scholar to know that being humble is God’s way and prideful is satan’s way. However, upon hearing the sermon, I began to realize just how guilty I was of fostering pride within my own heart.
{For this post, I simply want to introduce what pride is and later, I will share with you how pride is destructive.}
You see, when you become bitter, angry, resentful, and disgusted, it is because pride has manifested. Offense is the prerequisite to an ungodly action or reaction. When you’re offended, naturally you say within yourself; “You’ve hurt me so now I’m going to hurt you back!” Pride is evidenced in many variations that are disguised as vindication, and supports the infamous folklore: An eye for an eye. However, unbeknownst to many, God hates pride because it is considered evil and a sin as spoken of by David in Psalm 8:13; “All who fear the LORD will hate evil. That is why I hate pride, arrogance, corruption, and perverted speech.” David includes pride as being one of those evil things.
Here’s why pride is evil:
It causes us to turn away from God when we’re supposed to turn to Him
It leads to disobedience and rebellion
It causes us to mistreat other people
It defiles us! (Mark 7: 20-23)
Manifestations of pride:
Can’t admit when wrong
Disrespect of and no submission to authority
Criticism and looking down on others
Too busy or too lazy to help others
The list goes on and on. Even if you possess only one of the aforementioned characteristics, you are still deemed prideful. Stay tuned because I’m going to share with you how to recognize pride, how it affects your Christian walk, and why God doesn’t think it’s cool.
I'm Back!
I don't know why I left!..I suppose I'm never satisfied, but I went over to Wordpress because, at the time, I needed a different scenario. I've decided to utilize both blogs (can't go wrong that way huh?). Anyway, I will be posting other articles from Wordpress here.....Thanks for stopping by!!
LVB Research: MK-ULTRA 2.0 - SSRI Drugs and Mass Mind Control
I know I haven't posted here in a while, but I would like everyone that happens upon this blog to PLEASE refer to my friend's blog. He goes by LVB and he's wonderful! Check it out..... ~Lenci
LVB Research: MK-ULTRA 2.0 - SSRI Drugs and Mass Mind Control: "The SSRI Superhighway - A mind numbing road to enslavement The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs has bec..."
LVB Research: MK-ULTRA 2.0 - SSRI Drugs and Mass Mind Control: "The SSRI Superhighway - A mind numbing road to enslavement The Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs has bec..."
July 09, 2010
I've Moved!
I've decided to forfeit the illuminati awareness forte as it had summoned my psyche into a world of distress. Though these atrocities that plague our world are indeed baleful, I simply do not have the mental capacity to research and analyze them. I'm leaving that to the experts.
Nevertheless, you can find here musings of randomness that I hope will foster a warm, fuzzy feeling on your insides! ;-)
I encourage you to click any of the links on your right under "My Blog List", for the most veracious and profound articles you will find related to the illuminati, occult, mind control, devil worship, other gods, etc.
May your heart be jubilant and your mind aware.
God bless you all.
Nevertheless, you can find here musings of randomness that I hope will foster a warm, fuzzy feeling on your insides! ;-)
I encourage you to click any of the links on your right under "My Blog List", for the most veracious and profound articles you will find related to the illuminati, occult, mind control, devil worship, other gods, etc.
May your heart be jubilant and your mind aware.
God bless you all.
May 26, 2010
Untamed Idiosyncracies
I have been inclined to share some of the idiosyncrasies that have plagued my life for the past several years. Those being: depression, confusion, absence of self-acceptance and addiction to medications. Yes, I have been extremely sinuous (full of turns) as a result, but thanks be to God, I’m delivered and set free!
For years I wondered why I always felt different, why nobody liked me, why everything I touched foiled. I wanted to be like her, look like her and live like her. I was never happy with the life that I’d been given to live. I complained, compared, condemned and was coerced by none other than myself, to be who I really wasn’t. Putting up a front seemed commonplace for it was my only way of covering up the shame I felt inside. Upon years of endurance and reflection, I discovered that these were products of me not loving myself. When an individual doesn’t know HOW to love themselves, it is utterly impossible for them to love others. This in turn portentously warrants the assumption that people don’t love them. It’s called the “boomerang effect”.
Even today, at 40 years old, I still wrestle with anomalies and more often than not sink into the hole of depression. However, I now have a weapon called “freedom in Christ” which allows me to seek comfort and reassurance from the only person who can give me the strength to soar as an eagle! Many times though, the devil insidiously (as is his nature) attempts to plant those old lies in my head. This is his job of course, as he is the “father of lies”. He wants you to be enveloped in trepidation and fear for this is his weapon of choice. Besides "satan" and "the devil", he’s also known as: The Deceiver, The Liar, The Accuser, The Adversary, Ruler of Darkness and The Son of Perdition.
My aim is not to give a bible lesson, but these names were given to him by none other than God himself to show us the deception. If you’ve been reading my comments on Public Vigil and LVB-Research, you’ll see that my favorite scripture is Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. This is my reminder that satan does, in fact, have power. However, verses 13-20 also remind me that I have weapons of warfare that are readily available to use against these powers of darkness. I knew this several years ago at the onset of the depression, but I didn’t turn to my bible (the biggest mistake of my life). Instead, I turned to psychiatrists and psychologists.
Here’s where it gets tricky and this is merely my opinion, but the likelihood that you find a psychiatrist that sincerely wants to help you is slim to none. My experience over the past several years has proven to me that they are only in it for the money. Psychologists on the other hand (also known as therapists or counselors) DO NOT have the capacity to prescribe medications. However, they still follow the widely debunked theories of Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin, both of whom were Grand Master Freemasons (that’s a whole story by itself). My friend LVB, will be doing an article on “PHARMAKEIA” (which is the Greek word for sorceress or witch) and its’ deceptiveness masked as being pharmaceutical drugs that HELP people when in actuality, they harm people. I’m not sure if LVB will hint this, but the term pharmakeia is the name for the Greek sorceress, Goddess of Transformation: Kirke. (The picture above thoroughly depicts the association between the occult and pharmaceuticals) Plus, the bible avidly warns against such practices of sorceries and witchcrafts as devoted practiced by the occult. (Go to any online bible site and put the word “sorcery” in the search engine to find confirmed scripture)
The following definitions are from Strong’s Concordance…..
Respectively, the root meaning for the plural Greek word pharmakeus (sorceries) as found in Revelation 9:21 (KJV), is ‘giver of potions’ while the singular term pharmakeia (sorcery) as found in Acts 13:6-8, means ‘druggist’ or ‘poisoner’.
Now, you may ask: “So, what you're saying is I shouldn’t go to the doctor and get prescriptions”? No, I am not saying that. People visit medical practitioners in order to have an illness diagnosed, to be treated for sickness, or to gain relief from illness. So accordingly, Jeremiah refers to the balm of Gilead which was evidently deemed to have medicinal qualities (Jeremiah 8:22; 46:11) which is obviously a good thing. However, balm and pharmakeia are two different things entirely! The pharmakeia mentioned in the bible are drugs that stimulate/encourage hallucinations and visions. I want to clarify that it was long part of pagan religious practice to administer potions, or drugs, which would encourage hallucinations. There is, of course, a direct parallel here to modern illicit drug taking AND prescribing, though these original 'pharmacists' were involved in the black arts and in demonology. I don’t know about you, but I also see a direct correlation between the pharmakeia of old and the one of today which purports my claim that this is exactly what SSRIs, SNRIs and MAOIs are, as prescribed by psychiatrists (oh, and some general practitioners too).
Needless to say, I’ve taken every last one of the following: Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, Buspar, Remeron and Effexor. All in an attempt to “make it all better” and “to make the demons go away”. But hear me say this, I WAS NOT CRAZY! This was the devil’s lying and deceit of which I LET him infringe upon me. He masterminded MY mind.
I suppose I should add that the illicit drugs’ direct parallel would pertain to certain pain medications as well for they definitely stimulate hallucinations. Oxycontin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol and codeine, just to name a few, have made me feel as I if I could walk up the side of the building! Yes, I’ve taken these too. I was pretty much a junkie…willing to take any medication that would “take me away” from ME! How silly is that? I’m stuck with me! This just goes to show how stupefied the devil made me think I was..well, I can’t fault him for that. That was my stupidity. All the same, when one medicine made me sick, I took another to make that sickness go away, then a different medicine to make the sickness go away from the last medicine. Catch my drift?
Then one day, I began to pray. You see, when the devil feels he’s got you where he wants you, he pretty much leaves you alone. It’s when you reach out to THE COUNSELOR, Jesus “MyHope” Christ, that satan throws swords at you! I tell you no lie, when I finally decided to lean solely on Christ for my sustenance, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I was so accustomed to depending on these medications to get me through my days (and to knock me out at night), that I didn’t know how to live without them! Talk about grieving.... I cried for days on end because I knew I couldn’t go back to my friends. They were all I knew. Have you ever had a dream of your family member whom you love with all your heart, getting killed right before you could save them? Knowing that you’ll never see them again? (I pray you haven’t actually been through this) Well, that’s what it felt like not having my stash of downers, uppers, and stabilizers. Yep, I had a pill for everything!
Anybody can become addicted. No one is immune sweetheart. Anyway, today is a new day! I have been without stimulators/stimulants for ten months and I’m doing great! God is the only reason I’m able to sit here today and type this without fear of ridicule, judgment or dislike. You don’t have to like Valencia in order for her to be happy. (is talking in the third-person a form of disassociation? I gotta research this…) I can proudly say that I don’t need your approval. Obtaining the approval of God is my only desire at this point in my life. My reason for sharing this information: It’s my testimony to God’s awesome power and ability to deliver from ANY situation. Whatever your addiction, you can be delivered only if you give it over to the One who is able to keep us from falling. Jude 1:24
In love,
For years I wondered why I always felt different, why nobody liked me, why everything I touched foiled. I wanted to be like her, look like her and live like her. I was never happy with the life that I’d been given to live. I complained, compared, condemned and was coerced by none other than myself, to be who I really wasn’t. Putting up a front seemed commonplace for it was my only way of covering up the shame I felt inside. Upon years of endurance and reflection, I discovered that these were products of me not loving myself. When an individual doesn’t know HOW to love themselves, it is utterly impossible for them to love others. This in turn portentously warrants the assumption that people don’t love them. It’s called the “boomerang effect”.
Even today, at 40 years old, I still wrestle with anomalies and more often than not sink into the hole of depression. However, I now have a weapon called “freedom in Christ” which allows me to seek comfort and reassurance from the only person who can give me the strength to soar as an eagle! Many times though, the devil insidiously (as is his nature) attempts to plant those old lies in my head. This is his job of course, as he is the “father of lies”. He wants you to be enveloped in trepidation and fear for this is his weapon of choice. Besides "satan" and "the devil", he’s also known as: The Deceiver, The Liar, The Accuser, The Adversary, Ruler of Darkness and The Son of Perdition.
My aim is not to give a bible lesson, but these names were given to him by none other than God himself to show us the deception. If you’ve been reading my comments on Public Vigil and LVB-Research, you’ll see that my favorite scripture is Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. This is my reminder that satan does, in fact, have power. However, verses 13-20 also remind me that I have weapons of warfare that are readily available to use against these powers of darkness. I knew this several years ago at the onset of the depression, but I didn’t turn to my bible (the biggest mistake of my life). Instead, I turned to psychiatrists and psychologists.
~Inserted to show uncanny resemblance~
Here’s where it gets tricky and this is merely my opinion, but the likelihood that you find a psychiatrist that sincerely wants to help you is slim to none. My experience over the past several years has proven to me that they are only in it for the money. Psychologists on the other hand (also known as therapists or counselors) DO NOT have the capacity to prescribe medications. However, they still follow the widely debunked theories of Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin, both of whom were Grand Master Freemasons (that’s a whole story by itself). My friend LVB, will be doing an article on “PHARMAKEIA” (which is the Greek word for sorceress or witch) and its’ deceptiveness masked as being pharmaceutical drugs that HELP people when in actuality, they harm people. I’m not sure if LVB will hint this, but the term pharmakeia is the name for the Greek sorceress, Goddess of Transformation: Kirke. (The picture above thoroughly depicts the association between the occult and pharmaceuticals) Plus, the bible avidly warns against such practices of sorceries and witchcrafts as devoted practiced by the occult. (Go to any online bible site and put the word “sorcery” in the search engine to find confirmed scripture)
Kirke: Greek Sorceress/Goddess of Transformation
The following definitions are from Strong’s Concordance…..
Respectively, the root meaning for the plural Greek word pharmakeus (sorceries) as found in Revelation 9:21 (KJV), is ‘giver of potions’ while the singular term pharmakeia (sorcery) as found in Acts 13:6-8, means ‘druggist’ or ‘poisoner’.
Now, you may ask: “So, what you're saying is I shouldn’t go to the doctor and get prescriptions”? No, I am not saying that. People visit medical practitioners in order to have an illness diagnosed, to be treated for sickness, or to gain relief from illness. So accordingly, Jeremiah refers to the balm of Gilead which was evidently deemed to have medicinal qualities (Jeremiah 8:22; 46:11) which is obviously a good thing. However, balm and pharmakeia are two different things entirely! The pharmakeia mentioned in the bible are drugs that stimulate/encourage hallucinations and visions. I want to clarify that it was long part of pagan religious practice to administer potions, or drugs, which would encourage hallucinations. There is, of course, a direct parallel here to modern illicit drug taking AND prescribing, though these original 'pharmacists' were involved in the black arts and in demonology. I don’t know about you, but I also see a direct correlation between the pharmakeia of old and the one of today which purports my claim that this is exactly what SSRIs, SNRIs and MAOIs are, as prescribed by psychiatrists (oh, and some general practitioners too).
Needless to say, I’ve taken every last one of the following: Klonopin, Ativan, Valium, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, Buspar, Remeron and Effexor. All in an attempt to “make it all better” and “to make the demons go away”. But hear me say this, I WAS NOT CRAZY! This was the devil’s lying and deceit of which I LET him infringe upon me. He masterminded MY mind.
I suppose I should add that the illicit drugs’ direct parallel would pertain to certain pain medications as well for they definitely stimulate hallucinations. Oxycontin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, tramadol and codeine, just to name a few, have made me feel as I if I could walk up the side of the building! Yes, I’ve taken these too. I was pretty much a junkie…willing to take any medication that would “take me away” from ME! How silly is that? I’m stuck with me! This just goes to show how stupefied the devil made me think I was..well, I can’t fault him for that. That was my stupidity. All the same, when one medicine made me sick, I took another to make that sickness go away, then a different medicine to make the sickness go away from the last medicine. Catch my drift?
Then one day, I began to pray. You see, when the devil feels he’s got you where he wants you, he pretty much leaves you alone. It’s when you reach out to THE COUNSELOR, Jesus “MyHope” Christ, that satan throws swords at you! I tell you no lie, when I finally decided to lean solely on Christ for my sustenance, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I was so accustomed to depending on these medications to get me through my days (and to knock me out at night), that I didn’t know how to live without them! Talk about grieving.... I cried for days on end because I knew I couldn’t go back to my friends. They were all I knew. Have you ever had a dream of your family member whom you love with all your heart, getting killed right before you could save them? Knowing that you’ll never see them again? (I pray you haven’t actually been through this) Well, that’s what it felt like not having my stash of downers, uppers, and stabilizers. Yep, I had a pill for everything!
Anybody can become addicted. No one is immune sweetheart. Anyway, today is a new day! I have been without stimulators/stimulants for ten months and I’m doing great! God is the only reason I’m able to sit here today and type this without fear of ridicule, judgment or dislike. You don’t have to like Valencia in order for her to be happy. (is talking in the third-person a form of disassociation? I gotta research this…) I can proudly say that I don’t need your approval. Obtaining the approval of God is my only desire at this point in my life. My reason for sharing this information: It’s my testimony to God’s awesome power and ability to deliver from ANY situation. Whatever your addiction, you can be delivered only if you give it over to the One who is able to keep us from falling. Jude 1:24
In love,
May 25, 2010
Today's Musings
I just left from over at lvb-research.blogspot.com having read his articles on the "stars" (Part II). It’s an excellent read by the way. What I received upon reading was the undeniable correlation between stardom and the lack of self-control. Some stars mentioned in the article are: Naomi Campbell (whose birthday is the same exact day and year as mine…go figure), Angie Sanselmente Valencia (cocaine smuggling mastermind who happens to have my first name as her last name), Heidi Klum, Oprah Winfrey, Hugh Hefner, Brittany Murphy (and her husband Simon Monjack who just died on Sunday 5-23-10), Winona Ryder, and several others. Strikingly so, most of all mentioned have had bouts with the law, drug addiction, alcoholism, molestation, and participation in occult religions.
This is my cry to parents: PLEASE, EMBRACE THE TRUTH! Your children’s lives are at stake. They won’t know unless YOU know. It’s amazing how the attraction of entertainment has shadowed the eyes of our youth to a degree that they’re willing to die because they can’t be someone else. The suicide rate has catapulted recently due to bullying (by little monsters that don’t like who they are so they take it out on others) and low self-esteem (of those who aren’t accepted because they THINK they’re not worthy of acceptance). Our children cannot be allowed to place on a pedestal people that they see on television, hear on the radio or whose books they read. Even if parents are not partakers of a religion/faith, they should still teach their children to love themselves for who they are!
Let me just give you a run-down of what’s out there to contribute to the demise of human beings:
1. Mind Control a.k.a. MK (prevalence originated within the CIA of the US Government)
2. The Occult
3. The Illuminati
4. The Elite
5. Dehumanization
6. Transhumanism
7. Depopulation
8. Project Blue Beam
Now this is just a little list of those out to make it happen:
1. The Rothschilds
2. The Rosicrucians
3. The US Government
4. The United Nations
This stuff is all over the internet! Everybody is not telling the same conspiracy theory! You put any word numbered above in Google search and you’ll get at least 100,000 results. The targeted audience is not simply “children”. These demonic forces are out to kill and destroy all (those who partake AND those who denounce). We won’t even go into the numerous religions that have set out to turn as many as possible away from the one TRUE God of love: Scientology, Kaabalah, Judaism, etc. I say TRUE God because there are many gods of the universe which is why my God said: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3. Please don’t comment saying that anything can be a god as I’m already aware of this. I’m simply specifying the mystic side of the equation.
I have not set out to mimic other blogs and describe every single aspect of the elite’s agenda. I just want to encourage others to do their own research. These moguls are in charge of all our necessities: oil, banking, entertainment, news, food supply, pharmaceuticals and health care. The bottom line is this: Your life is at stake.
Have you ever heard the term: “They perish for lack of knowledge”? Well, read Hosea 4:6 of any bible, I don’t care if it’s yours or not. The elite are behind most, if not all, of the contribution to depopulation. They only want to keep on this earth those that are wealthy, healthy, and highly intelligent to rule this world. They are willing to sacrifice children, the poor, the handicapped/disabled, the mentally unstable and even the well-to-do, so if you fit any of these categories you’re in the targeted population!! Don’t you want to protect yourself and your family by being equipped with the knowledge of their plan in order to prepare for war? If not, the sad truth is that you most likely won't survive……….
This is Angie S.Valencia The GangBanger..isn’t she gorgeous?
This is my cry to parents: PLEASE, EMBRACE THE TRUTH! Your children’s lives are at stake. They won’t know unless YOU know. It’s amazing how the attraction of entertainment has shadowed the eyes of our youth to a degree that they’re willing to die because they can’t be someone else. The suicide rate has catapulted recently due to bullying (by little monsters that don’t like who they are so they take it out on others) and low self-esteem (of those who aren’t accepted because they THINK they’re not worthy of acceptance). Our children cannot be allowed to place on a pedestal people that they see on television, hear on the radio or whose books they read. Even if parents are not partakers of a religion/faith, they should still teach their children to love themselves for who they are!
Let me just give you a run-down of what’s out there to contribute to the demise of human beings:
1. Mind Control a.k.a. MK (prevalence originated within the CIA of the US Government)
2. The Occult
3. The Illuminati
4. The Elite
5. Dehumanization
6. Transhumanism
7. Depopulation
8. Project Blue Beam
Now this is just a little list of those out to make it happen:
1. The Rothschilds
2. The Rosicrucians
3. The US Government
4. The United Nations
This stuff is all over the internet! Everybody is not telling the same conspiracy theory! You put any word numbered above in Google search and you’ll get at least 100,000 results. The targeted audience is not simply “children”. These demonic forces are out to kill and destroy all (those who partake AND those who denounce). We won’t even go into the numerous religions that have set out to turn as many as possible away from the one TRUE God of love: Scientology, Kaabalah, Judaism, etc. I say TRUE God because there are many gods of the universe which is why my God said: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:3. Please don’t comment saying that anything can be a god as I’m already aware of this. I’m simply specifying the mystic side of the equation.
I have not set out to mimic other blogs and describe every single aspect of the elite’s agenda. I just want to encourage others to do their own research. These moguls are in charge of all our necessities: oil, banking, entertainment, news, food supply, pharmaceuticals and health care. The bottom line is this: Your life is at stake.
Have you ever heard the term: “They perish for lack of knowledge”? Well, read Hosea 4:6 of any bible, I don’t care if it’s yours or not. The elite are behind most, if not all, of the contribution to depopulation. They only want to keep on this earth those that are wealthy, healthy, and highly intelligent to rule this world. They are willing to sacrifice children, the poor, the handicapped/disabled, the mentally unstable and even the well-to-do, so if you fit any of these categories you’re in the targeted population!! Don’t you want to protect yourself and your family by being equipped with the knowledge of their plan in order to prepare for war? If not, the sad truth is that you most likely won't survive……….
Graphic, but you get the idea...
Lastly, I'd like to add:
May 21, 2010
Author Unknown
I Promise Myself
I promise myself to live by the authority of my own soul today
and to practice being my own best friend and motivator.
I promise to speak to myself kindly and give myself
the attention and nourishment I need.
I promise to remember that others' opinions, judgements,
and deeds can't diminish me.
I promise not to hide out or play safe,
but to bring my open heart and Master mind
to each moment with confidence.
I promise to believe in myself and
in the genius of my people.
I promise myself to live this day with joy and
enthusiasm, to allow only love and light to flow
through me, no matter who or what life sends my way.
Everywhere I look, I will see beauty and possibility,
and let my light shine in service to my
people, giving joyfully from a full cup.
I promise myself to remember that every circumstance
is a pathway to God.
Every crisis is temporary and lasts not a
moment longer than it takes for me to
surrender it to God
and ask for a divine solution.
I promise myself to remain faithfully aware
that God is always here
with and within me.
No matter what the question,
God is the answer.
No matter what the need,
God is the fulfillment.
I promise myself to remember.
May 19, 2010
How It All Began
I'd like to share with you my decision to accept the latest TRUTH. I was born and raised in a Baptist Church but that didn't save me from backsliding and giving the world my best shot. You know, jumping over the fence to see what made the neighbor's grass so green. Well, while in the neighbor's yard, I stumbled upon a rock called "rock music". Wow, the devil really knows how to attract you doesn’t he? I was swooned to say the least, not because of the lyrics alone, but also because of the rhythms, beats, pitches, dynamics and melodies. What took me to another level of consciousness was how the music romanced my psyche. Once the eyes were closed, a new dimension arose within me that would have me feel as if I were floating on air. I would leave my conscious and be taken to another realm. At the time, I had no control over how rock music made me feel. I couldn’t stop listening to it! This brings to mind Eve’s defeat from temptation in the Garden. I’ll digress by including a little joke: What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden? His answer: “Your mother ate us out of house and home.”
That being said, the temptation of Eve in and of itself, contributed to the fall of man. (Let me make something clear, this is a blog so therefore I may write an interpretation that you may feel is incorrect or out-of-sync with your beliefs. If so, I welcome your comments but don’t ridicule ok?...thanks). Satan knows exactly what he’s doing which is why music is his weapon of choice. His influence is so conniving. The unsettling truth is that you can’t escape the melancholy (downside) or the gaiety (upside) that music implores within your soul and this is why it’s of utter importance to exercise caution when inviting music’s influence into your mind.
After receiving the phone call from my best friend, I did a Google search for “Jay Z Lady Gaga Illuminati” and a whirlwind of web pages surfaced on my screen. I’d like to say that intuition drew me to Vigilant Citizen, but that would take credit away from the Comforter (read your bible if you don’t know who I’m referring to). Having a biblical background, I was fully aware of the “powers that be”: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12 In my ignorance, I believed that these forces were only evidenced via the way people behaved and in a sense they are, but it’s far deeper that this my friends. We don’t merely wrestle with the body of the individual that is out to harm/deceive us, but we wrestle with that which is WITHIN them! These forces have taken up residence in their spirits. They are puppets being controlled by the greatest deceiver mankind has ever known…..
I would like to refer you to the Vigilant article that changed my life: http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1948. The name of this article is “Jay-Z’s “Run This Town” and the Occult Connections”. The article exposed me to Aleister Crowley, the occultist (satanist) that reformed the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) which is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry. Throughout the article, I gained insight into the secret Freemason order, who some of these members were and what their practices/beliefs consisted of. Anyway, Rihanna is also mentioned in this article. That’s right…
It would probably take some coaching for some to accept the claims made on VC’s website, but for me it was instant. Because satan was the Minister of Music in Heaven and I believe EVERYTHING that the Bible says, I was convinced based on these facts. You see, satan wouldn’t be satan if he didn’t put wool over your eyes. He masks the deception with cognitive dissonance so that one will question the sensibility behind exposing his outlets of music and media. Why music and media? Because people have made these avenues a necessity. They have to have it. What better way to suck them in than through what gets their time and attention? These avenues; movies, radio, books, computers, and video games ALL have their contribution to his game plan.
Please, take the time to read some of the articles on this blog page and at the very least, investigate for yourself!
In love,
That being said, the temptation of Eve in and of itself, contributed to the fall of man. (Let me make something clear, this is a blog so therefore I may write an interpretation that you may feel is incorrect or out-of-sync with your beliefs. If so, I welcome your comments but don’t ridicule ok?...thanks). Satan knows exactly what he’s doing which is why music is his weapon of choice. His influence is so conniving. The unsettling truth is that you can’t escape the melancholy (downside) or the gaiety (upside) that music implores within your soul and this is why it’s of utter importance to exercise caution when inviting music’s influence into your mind.
After receiving the phone call from my best friend, I did a Google search for “Jay Z Lady Gaga Illuminati” and a whirlwind of web pages surfaced on my screen. I’d like to say that intuition drew me to Vigilant Citizen, but that would take credit away from the Comforter (read your bible if you don’t know who I’m referring to). Having a biblical background, I was fully aware of the “powers that be”: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. Ephesians 6:12 In my ignorance, I believed that these forces were only evidenced via the way people behaved and in a sense they are, but it’s far deeper that this my friends. We don’t merely wrestle with the body of the individual that is out to harm/deceive us, but we wrestle with that which is WITHIN them! These forces have taken up residence in their spirits. They are puppets being controlled by the greatest deceiver mankind has ever known…..
I would like to refer you to the Vigilant article that changed my life: http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1948. The name of this article is “Jay-Z’s “Run This Town” and the Occult Connections”. The article exposed me to Aleister Crowley, the occultist (satanist) that reformed the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) which is a hermetic order modeled after Freemasonry. Throughout the article, I gained insight into the secret Freemason order, who some of these members were and what their practices/beliefs consisted of. Anyway, Rihanna is also mentioned in this article. That’s right…
It would probably take some coaching for some to accept the claims made on VC’s website, but for me it was instant. Because satan was the Minister of Music in Heaven and I believe EVERYTHING that the Bible says, I was convinced based on these facts. You see, satan wouldn’t be satan if he didn’t put wool over your eyes. He masks the deception with cognitive dissonance so that one will question the sensibility behind exposing his outlets of music and media. Why music and media? Because people have made these avenues a necessity. They have to have it. What better way to suck them in than through what gets their time and attention? These avenues; movies, radio, books, computers, and video games ALL have their contribution to his game plan.
Please, take the time to read some of the articles on this blog page and at the very least, investigate for yourself!
In love,
A Warm Thank You!
I want to thank baba (publicvigil.blogspot.com) and LVB (lvb-research.blogspot.com) for being my inspirations. I could not possibly fathom having the ability to write with such poise as they, but I have been inspired to at least "write" something. I met them via vigilantcitizen.com and have grown to appreciate their expertise regarding the growing delusion that has evidenced itself through the media outlet. It all started with a phone call from a close friend that lives in Detroit who warned me of the demonic influence in Lady Gaga's songs. Now, if you've happened upon this blog while surfing, you too are asking the question: "Demonic influence"? That's a bit over-the-top for a newbie to accept but I assure you, it is real. I myself, with my limited knowledge, can only give snippets of vague interpretations gained while researching these claims. For further elaboration, you must see the links posted above. But here's a warning for you: PEOPLE ARE GOING TO THINK YOU'RE INSANE. However, if you can be patient and pray to God for their acceptance/understanding of the TRUTH, your insanity label will be torn away and replaced with THANK YOU!
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