September 09, 2006

He Loves Me

At the moment, I'm babysitting my third niece while my sis is at her part-time job. Krish is the last addition to the family. I've got my two girls plus the three nieces. When the family is at the house, there are so many punani's running around, my poor husband feels out-numbered. That's a total of eight kitty kats..Bless his heart..He's got eight brothers so you can imagine where he goes when the ladies are chillin'. But it's a pure joy to have all my girls together!
Daugthers, Mom, Sis, Nieces...and Hubby of course (I love my life)
I'm listening to Lisa again..The girl is awesomse. Her songs seem to speak straight from my heart. You'd think I paid her to write these songs..Listen..

But for eternity, I gave up a lifetime
Uneven exchange, your life for mine
I walk away from it all
Cause you give me everything
I can never fully explain why you
gave so much and took my pain
As ungrateful and selfish as I can be
you never stopped loving me
You swept me up off my feet
took away my guilt and shame
And no matter how far I go
I hear you calling my name
Lord, every day is a new day
But your love remains the same
Ohhh embrace me
Redeem me
Cause only your love can save me
Free me
Your love calling out for me

Awesome! You know, we sometimes forget the love of God because we think that because we sin, He's wiped His hands off of us. But I'm a living witness that when we're living in sin, this is the time when He's calling us more!!! He knows he didn't make perfect humans..He made sinful people that He knows will ask for His forgiveness IF we love Him and know Him.
Didn't mean to preach, but this area of my life I take extremely seriously!!!!!!!!

Anywho, three more punani's just came over...Mom and the other nieces. Talk with ya later....

September 08, 2006

Just Thinking

So it's like 10:50 pm and I'm sitting here wondering what I feel like sharing. The ironic thing is..nothing comes to mind. I can just picture this blog being one of those that people shake their heads at as though to say..."That poor chile didn't have nuttin better ta do". Listening to Lisa McClendon and watching cartoons does not qualify me as being "metaphorically linguistic", but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.
I just found out last year that I'm an introvert..who would have guessed? We supposedly have this awesome intuition where we're able to "sense" certain things and usually base our decisions on feelings. We're artistic and well-spoken...Yipppeee!!! The sense of humor department is another story in itself. I find things to be hilarious that others consider serious and vice versa. I'm often told that I need to "lighten up" and "go with the flow". I guess when I refuse, I'm being selfish right? I'm "taking things too seriously" right? Ok..maybe, but if given the chance to get my point that point, I'm pretty "mellowed out" after that. It's hard to be open-minded while maintaining a sense of self-identity, but I'm a great success at doing just that. Truth is, you speak your mind, I'll listen, disagree while making my point, then we debate..afterwards I'm confident that even though we haven't come to terms, you will have remembered what I said. I seem to have that effect on people...especially those that care about me.. A complete stranger could brush me off as being over-bearing, arrogant or just plain ignorant. Seriously though, I'm not that bad. Everybody has a bad side. Fortunately for me, my good side outweighs my bad. Wheww! That was close! I almost admitted that I'm not perfect..Ha ha..just kidding...Far from it...but it's good to dream...which is exactly what I'm about to do in about 10 minutes. A sista's gettin sleepy.
Do what you do best...........BE YOURSELF!!!

The Way I See It....

Welcome to my blog! This is new for me so bare with me. I've created this blog to establish myself in cyberworld along with thousands of others who've realized that life is more than a mere excuse to roam around aimlessly without appreciation of what life has to offer. Life is God-given, not to be taken for granted and not to take lightly. It is also a place where one should evaluate themselves on a daily basis, while maintaining a level of self-worth, regardless of who's opinion is spoken. Besides, this life is only temporal...You'd better not get too comfortable.

Once we learn to accept who we are, it won't matter how others perceive us as long as we're comfortable and happy with who we've become. I'm not saying that there will never be a time for improvement, but until then, we live ourselves...respect ourselves...and never, ever put ourselves above others. We are all people, not supernatural entities with powers to control other people.
I'm open-minded when it comes to most topics, but I refuse to discuss those things that belittle others or compromise my spiritual beliefs.
Oh, almost forgot, a special shout-out to my peeps....Hubby, the knuckle-head that has completely made me a believer in "opposites attract"...Na-Na, my heavenly chocolate cream muffin...Lex, the little lady who keeps the house mom, the joy of my sis, who's my motivator to be a success in life and stay on the straight&narrow, my three nieces..Peach, Tay and Krish..they make my day brighter every time I see them.
With that said, let's get to know each other a little better...